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Safe water such as chlorine-free water and bottled water is generally clean and non-harmful. This is why most people drink “safe” water. But this does not guarantee us good health! Our bodies need more than just safe water.

Our bodies need π Water!

π Water or Energy Water is a term reserved for water with several unique properties that are vital for hydrating cells and supporting life functions.

According to Dr. Akihiro Yamashita, a professor of Nagoya University, Japan, π Water is very similar to the water present in the human body which has “living energy” or “energy for life”.

“Hexagonal water is the water for life! All biological organisms prefer it and they respond with enhancement in growth, metabolic efficiency and enzyme activation. On the other hand, the loss of Hexagonal water from our bodies can be correlated with disease, lack of vitality and aging”

Dr. Mu Shik Jhon, The Water Puzzle And The Hexagonal Key, 2004

Hexagon π Water with hexagonal water clusters has 6 essential properties:

π Water has energy! Try the simple tests suggested in the video to show the existence of energy in our Hexagon π Water.

Play Videos: Strength test 1, Strength test 2

Hexagon™ 8 Stage Water Purifier

Product of Taiwan

How does the 8 Stage Water Purifier provide you with π Water?


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